Resort + Luxury Liveaboard Dive Yacht, the ideal combo

Opinions vary over which offers the best experience – resort or liveaboard dive yacht? Of course, they are both very different experiences and each has its specific attractions. At Wakatobi you can experience the best of both worlds by adding a cruise aboard our luxury dive yacht, Pelagian, to your resort stay. This luxuriously appointed 36-meter private yacht carries a maximum of ten guests to create a private yacht experience, and ventures farther afield in the Wakatobi archipelago and the southern shores of Buton Island.

A different, complementary diving experience

If you’ve dived sites around Wakatobi Dive Resort before, you’ll definitely want to expand your dive adventures to the reef systems beyond the island of Tomia. New marine life discoveries lie waiting for you and your camera. Exotic and rare marine life can be found on all dives but if you love muck diving, then sites like Cheeky Beach and Asphalt Pier are sure to create excitement. If you like sheer cliffs and caves, Tanjung Batutoro offers something for both wide-angle and macro photographers.

Service and accommodation to the Wakatobi standard

You will find the service, including the dining, to be at the levels you have experienced in the resort; while the the accommodation – spacious and well-appointed – delivers the comfort level that you have come to enjoy.

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“Wakatobi truly cares for its guests, its staff and the environment. The food, the sunsets, the birds and the snorkeling are all incredible, but the staff are the heartbeat of Wakatobi. The boat crew helped me on and off the boats and with the dive/snorkel gear. I couldn’t have managed without… “The Heartbeat of Wakatobi”

Judith Haggar
,November 2023