You’ll have a great time, but don’t take our word for it…


The Perfect Spot for our Honeymoon

“The perfect spot for our honeymoon. A great combination of a tropical island, relaxed atmosphere and incredible staff. With plenty of privacy too!”

Janie Hayden and Stephen Reinhold
(Sep 2023)

A Macro Diver’s Dream

“A paradise at the end of the world, a real protected bioreserve and dream for every macro diver. Excellent service and excellent food.”

Silke & Jurgen Reidl
(Sep 2023)

Like Royalty

“You are treated like a royalty from the moment you step off the plane.”

Kathryn Winter
(Sep 2023)

The Food is Superb

“Overall, our experience at Wakatobi was very enjoyable. The staff was engaging, attentive, friendly, and eager to help. It’s very impressive that they learned everyone’s names! The facilities are impeccable: beautiful bungalows, dining room, and dive center. The food is superb, offering a stunning combination of Indonesian and Western selections. We loved the small portions and buffet style so as not to waste food!”

Angie Leprohon and David Nimick
(Sep 2023)

A Lot of Fun on Pelagian

“Each day on Pelagian was interesting and a lot of fun. Our guides and crew members were terrific and did everything to make sure that our experience was memorable, informative, comfortable, and enjoyable. Thank you so much!”

Tacie and Roland Anderson
(Sep 2023)

One Of the Best in the World

“We’ve been snorkeling in Raja Ampat, Komodo, and Palau, and now put Wakatobi right up there as one of the best areas in the world. Plus, it’s a wonderful resort with great staff and guides. We’ll be back!”

Corey Goodman
(Sep 2023)

Like magic with a smile and absolute calm.

“What makes this resort exceptional is the apparent ease to organize everything here when, in reality, it must all be very complicated in such a remote place.

“Arrival in Bali was immediate and efficient. No more worries about retrieving the luggage and checking it in. The flight to Wakatobi: we immediately start relaxing during a breakfast on the house!
Resort: the dream continues and becomes a constant reality. The staff were discreet and courteous, always looking after our comfort and our wishes without being intrusive.

Service is perfect! The whole staff knows our names as soon as we arrive and everything takes place, just like magic with a smile and absolute calm. The restaurant manager and his team satisfied of all our wishes with tact and kindness. The chefs and pastry staff never cease to create delicious, fresh and savory dishes.  How could we resist the chocolate cakes?

“The diving and snorkeling staff are very attentive and give the best experience in this protected piece of nature and its inhabitants. Thousands of corals and fishes.

“Thank you all!”

Christian and Genevieve Boudouresques
(Aug 2023)

We appreciate the attention to detail from all the staff

“Thank you for looking after us so beautifully in wonderful Wakatobi. We really have been cared for very well and appreciate the attention to detail from all the staff – food and beverage, restaurant, dive team (including behind the scenes), gardeners, boutique, housekeeping, front office. We had a very interesting behind the scenes tour of the resort. We did not use the Spa this time but heard great comments. Loved the welcome cocktails and the chance to be part of the Independence Day celebrations and games!

“We have had a wonderful time. Thank you all!”

Prinn Family
(Aug 2023)

Pelagian is the most comfortable and luxurious liveaboard.

“Pelagian is the most comfortable and luxurious liveaboard. All of the staff were eager to please and looked for ways to make our stay better than we could have imagined.

“Thank you very much for the extraordinary service and attention to detail.”

Kelley and Stephen Whitley
(Aug 2023)

Amazing snorkeling with very easy access

“The house reef did not disappoint. We had amazing snorkeling with very easy access. And snorkelers are not treated as second class citizens. Our guide was fabulous. The dive and boat staff were astoundingly good – they look after you, provide information, drinks, food, towels, etc.

The food was fabulous! Great range and quality, and we particularly enjoyed some more local touches. The restaurant staff cater well to your needs and were very friendly and helpful.”

Graham and Jane Forte
(Aug 2023)

All top class!

“Meals, accommodation, service, and diving were all top class! Our guides were excellent. Our representative, Linda, lubricated the booking magnificently. And the chef bent over backwards in accommodating Karen’s dietary restrictions.”

Peter and Karen Chaston
(Aug 2023)

An elegant luxury boat

“Pelagian is an elegant luxury boat. Well equipped with extraordinary crew, really friendly and kind staff.”

Angelo Massimo Lambiase and Grazia Giacomelli
(Aug 2023)

It is always a pleasure to come back to Wakatobi.

“It is always a pleasure to come back to Wakatobi. Nature and sea are always surprising you and the people make you feel at home.”

Paola Rugiero
(Aug 2023)

A great house reef

“A great house reef and excellent dive sites and guides! Thank you for unforgettable memories!”

Christian and Katja Vieth
(Aug 2023)

Fabulous diving and snorkeling

“We spent our honeymoon at Wakatobi and enjoyed every minute. Fabulous diving and snorkeling, comfortable accommodations, beautiful scenery and incredibly friendly and welcoming staff. We will be back!”

Wolfgang and Carina Haaf
(Aug 2023)